Growth and Income Portfolios

Understand your investments and finances better

Growth and Income Portfolios

Growth and Income Portfolios

How We Can Help...

While we understand just how important it is for you to make sure you are in control of your finances, we also appreciate how overwhelming money management can seem, especially when you are making decisions about investing. We are here to support you, your goals and to help you plan. 

St. James’s Place has created risk-related Growth and Income Portfolios to help you better understand your fund options and make choices that suit your financial ambitions.

Growth Portfolios

Growth Portfolios are ideal for clients wanting to increase their overall wealth and achieve capital growth, with medium and long-term goals in mind. Generally, SJP's growth funds aim to increase the value of your investment over a period of time.

There are six Growth Portfolios and each comes with a different level of risk.

Income Portfolios

As the name suggests, Income Portfolios are funds that aim to generate a steady stream of income through your investment. 

There are three Income Portfolios, each with a different level of risk.

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount invested.

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